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Introducing Pico Lux Kit ®

Pico/X™, for short, is a platform for developing 3D and 2D graphics and audio content on mobile devices. It is designed with a lean runtime profile and a minimalist API, to target ease of use for both experienced and novice developers alike, with or without previous 3D knowledge. And although it can be used in larger projects, Pico/X is especially suited for more casual, smaller profile projects. 

Because it is designed for simplicity, and it is accessible through the language you already know and use for your mobile development, the learning curve is very low, and you'll be up and running in no time at all. 

3D games, 2D games, FX for apps, eCommerce, education and scientific visualization, or anything else 3D, Pico Lux Kit makes it easy.



Powered by Pico Lux Kit ®, Pico/AppFX™ allows you to easily add 3D or 2D high performance content to your app using overlay transparency and shadows casted onto your existing content UI, for a seamless integration with iOS, Android and Wear OS apps.

From a simple app logo in 3D, an interactive rotating product 3D model for your eCommerce app, a virtual assistant in 3D, or anything else that you can fancy, Pico/AppFX is the next step in app appeal, without draining your battery, that is. 

You can use your existing mobile development language to write rendering code: Swift and Objective-C for iOS, and Java and Kotlin for Android or Wear OS, or you can use C++ to write portable code so you don't have to rewrite it for every platform.

Are you ready to add FX today?

See how easy it is: Step by Step FX Tutorial... 



Pico/X provides many standard features you'd expect and need for real-time 3D/2D/FX development: 

  • Keyframe based mesh animation support.

  • Lighting: multiple light sources, real-time shadow mapping and light mapping, HDR rendering.

  • Post processing visual effects: depth of field, ambient occlusion, bloom, and more...

  • 2D rendering: bitmap, and typeface font rendering for common 2D needs. 

  • The Pico/UI toolkit: control set to make your custom UI to handle user interfaces and interaction.

  • Audio: simple yet effective memory and streaming audio with 3D and animation capabilities.

  • Pico/AppFX for app integration with your existing UI, to add 3D, 2D, post processing and audio special effects to your app with multiple overlay views.

  • Content preparation made easy with simple, flexible but powerful content tools.  

  • Pico/Archiver: the command line tool 'par' to pack and transparently read structured content from your app.

  • Supported languages: Swift, Objective-C on iOS, Java, Kotlin on Android, and C++ for both iOS and Android. 

  • OS support: iOS, Android and Wear OS.



Pico/X is provided for iOS, Android and Wear OS. ​

Swift, Objective-C and C++ are supported on iOS through Xcode.

Java, Kotlin and C++ are supported on Android using Android Studio.

All iOS devices supported by iOS 12 and above are supported with Pico/X. 

For Android, OpenGL ES 3.x devices are supported, giving you a whooping 91.5% approximate* global Android device support.

This is a very big deal, because the bigger the device support, the more users you can reach with your app.

And this is just the beginning. As the product evolves, be sure to know that it will grow in features. 

So welcome, and stay tuned!

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone SE (2nd generation) - 2021-04-05 at 20.27.41.png

About Gigabalance ®

Gigabalance ® is the publisher of Pico Lux Kit ®, or Pico/*™ and Pico/X™ for short, a new platform to enable real-time 3D and 2D app development on mobile devices.

* According to Google Android distribution statistics:

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